Connecticut Invasive Plant List

Click below to view the Connecticut Invasive Plant List. The list includes Invasive and Potentially Invasive Plants as determined by the Connecticut Invasive Plants Council in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes §22a-381a through §22a-381d. The list was updated in October 2024 in accordance with Public Act No. 24-11.

(P) indicates Potentially Invasive (all others are considered Invasive in Connecticut)

"Prohibited by Statute" indicates prohibited status in Connecticut:
Yes=prohibited from importation, movement, sale, purchase, transplanting, cultivation and distribution under CT General Statutes §22a-381d
N/A=not prohibited

Recent Additions

Added to Invasive Plant List May 14, 2024; Prohibition from sale effective October 1, 2024 (Public Act No. 24-11):

Japanese Angelica Tree (Photo by J. Ruter)

Japanese angelica tree – Aralia elata

Growth form or habit: Tree 

Prohibited by statute? Yes (Effective Oct. 2024) 

PA DCNR- Japanese angelica tree 

Rutgers - Japanese angelica tree 

UConn - Japanese angelica tree 

USDA - Japanese angelica tree 

Quackgrass. S. Dewey

Quackgrass – Elymus repens (L.) Gould

Growth form or habit: Grass or grass-like 

Prohibited by statute? Yes (Effective Oct. 2024) 

Cornell - Quackgrass

UMaine - Quackgrass 

USDA - Quackgrass 

USFS - Quackgrass 

Japanese wisteria in bloom (purple-white flowers)

Japanese wisteria – Wisteria floribunda (P)

Growth form or habit: Woody Vine 

Prohibited by statute? Yes (Effective Oct. 2024) 

Cornell - Japanese wisteria 

UMD - Japanese wisteria 

USDA - Japanese wisteria 

USFS - Japanese wisteria 

Chinese wisteria. W Cranshaw

Chinese wisteria – Wisteria sinensis (P)

Growth form or habit: Woody vine 

Prohibited by statute? Yes (Effective Oct. 2024) 

Morton Arb - Chinese wisteria 

UF IFAS - Chinese wisteria  

UMD - Chinese wisteria 

USFS - Chinese wisteria 

Added to Invasive Plant List May 14, 2024; Prohibition from sale effective October 1, 2027 (Public Act No. 24-11)

Callery pear. Photo by L. Merhoff

October 2027: Callery pear – Pyrus calleryana

Growth form or habit: Tree 

Prohibited by statute? Yes (Effective Oct. 2027) 

Cornell - Callery pear 

PA NRCS - Callery pear 

UMD - Callery pear 

USDA - Callery pear 

Invasive Plant List (Sorted by Botanical Name)

Click here to view the list sorted by COMMON NAME

Acer platanoides foliage. A. Siegel-Miles

Acer platanoides – Norway maple

Acer pseudoplatanus leaves. Photo by Les Mehrhoff

Acer pseudoplatanus – Sycamore maple (P)

Aegopodium podagraria foliage. A. Siegel-Miles

Aegopodium podagraria – Goutweed/Bishops Weed

Berberis vulgaris flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Berberis vulgaris – Common barberry

Bromus tectorum. L. Merhroff

Bromus tectorum – Drooping brome-grass (P)

Butomus umbellatus. L. Mehrhoff

Cabomba caroliniana foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Cabomba caroliniana – Fanwort

Growth form or habit: Aquatic and wetland

Prohibited by statute? Yes

CAES - Fanwort factsheet

Go Botany - Fanwort - Fanwort photos

Maine - Fanwort factsheet

PA DCNR - Fanwort factsheet




Euphorbia esula foliage and flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Euphorbia esula – Leafy spurge

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous

Prohibited by statute? Yes

Go Botany - Leafy spurge - Leafy spurge photos

USDA - Leafy spurge factsheet

Froelichia gracilis along road. L. Mehrhoff

Froelichia gracilis – Slender snake cotton

Glechoma hederacea flowers and foliage. A Siegel-Miles

Glechoma hederacea – Ground ivy (P)

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous 

Prohibited by statute? Yes

Go Botany - Ground ivy - Ground ivy photos

USDA - Ground ivy factsheet

Glyceria maxima. L. Mehrhoff

Glyceria maxima – Reed mannagrass (P)

Giant hogweed flower. L. Mehrhoff

Heracleum mantegazzianum – Giant hogweed (P)

Hesperis matronalis flowers. A Siegel-Miles

Hesperis matronalis – Dame’s rocket

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous 

Prohibited by statute? Yes

Go Botany - Dame's rocket - Dame's rocket

NRCS-1 - Dame's rocket

OSU - Dame's rocket

Humulus japonicus foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Humulus japonicus – Japanese hops (P)

Lonicera xylosteum flowers and foliage, L. Mehrhoff

Lonicera xylosteum – Dwarf honeysuckle (P)

Lychnis flos-cuculi flower. L. Mehrhoff

Lychnis flos-cuculi – Ragged robin (P)

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous

Prohibited by statute? Yes

Go Botany - Ragged robin - Ragged robin photos

IPANE - Ragged robin factsheet

Moneywort flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Lysimachia nummularia – Moneywort (P)

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous

Prohibited by statute? N/A

Go Botany - Moneywort - Moneywort photos

PA DCNR - Moneywort factsheet

Forger-me-not foliage and flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Myosotis scorpioides – Forget-me-not

Najas minor foliage. S. Stebbins

Najas minor – Brittle water-nymph (P)

Nasturtium microphyllum foliage and flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Nasturtium microphyllum – Onerow yellowcress (P)

Nasturtium officinale flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Nasturtium officinale – Watercress (P)

Growth form or habit: Aquatic or wetland

Prohibited by statute? Yes

CAES - Watercress factsheet

FWS - Watercress factsheet

Go Botany - Watercress - Watercress photos

Nelumbo lutea flowers and foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Nelumbo lutea – American water lotus (P)

Onopordum acanthium flower. L. Mehrhoff

Onopordum acanthium – Scotch thistle (P)

Ornithogalum umbellatum flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Ornithogalum umbellatum – Star-of-Bethlehem (P)

Princesstree foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Paulownia tomentosa – Princess tree (P)

Polygonum caespitosum flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Polygonum caespitosum – Bristled knotweed

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous 

Prohibited by statute? Yes - Bristled knotweed photos

Mile a minute vine. L. Mehrhoff

Polygonum perfoliatum (Persicaria perfoliata) – Mile-a-minute vine

Polygonum sachalinense foliage and flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Polygonum sachalinense – Giant knotweed (P)

Populus alba, L. Mehrhoff

Populus alba – White poplar (P)

Kudzu foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Pueraria montana – Kudzu (P)

Ranunculus ficaria foliage and flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Ranunculus ficaria – Fig buttercup (syn. Ficaria verna)

Rubus phoenicolasius foliage and fruit. L. Mehrhoff

Rubus phoenicolasius – Wineberry

Growth form or habit: Shrub

Prohibited by statute? Yes

Go Botany - Wineberry - Wineberry photos

PA DCNR - Wineberry factsheet

Rumex acetosella. A. Siegel-Miles

Rumex acetosella – Sheep sorrel (P)

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous  

Prohibited by statute? Yes

Go Botany - Sheep sorrel - Sheep sorrel photos

Salvinia molesta foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Salvinia molesta – Giant salvinia (P)

Senecio jacobaea infestation. L. Mehrhoff

Senecio jacobaea – Tansy ragwort (P)

Silphium perfoliatum flowers and foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Silphium perfoliatum – Cup plant (P)

Growth form or habit: Herbaceous

Prohibited by statute? Yes

Go Botany - Cup plant - Cup plant photos

USDA - Cup plant factsheet

Solanum dulcamara foliage. A. Siegel-Miles

Solanum dulcamara – Bittersweet nightshade (P)

Tussilago farfara foliage. L. Mehrhoff

Tussilago farfara – Coltsfoot

Valeriana officinalis flowers. L. Mehrhoff

Valeriana officinalis – Garden heliotrope (P)


*CAES = Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; CIPWG = Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group; DEEP = Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; EDD Maps = Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System; IPANE = Invasive Plant Atlas of New England; Maine = University of Maine Cooperative Extension; Minnesota = Minnesota Department of Agriculture; MIPN = Midwest Invasive Plant Network; Montana = Montana State University Extension; NRCS = Natural Resource Conservation; PCA = Plant Conservation Alliance, National Park Service; PA DCNR = Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; RI DEM = Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management; TNC = The Nature Conservancy; UC-Davis = University of California-Davis, Cooperative Extension & Agricultural Experiment Station; UConn = University of Connecticut; USFS = US Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture; UF = University of Fla Extension; UNH = University of New Hampshire Extension; USDA = United States Department of Agriculture; WA NWCB = Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board