Report Giant Hogweed Report Giant Hogweed sighting Observer Name*Email* Phone(required if no email address is provided)Date Observed MM slash DD slash YYYY Town ObservedCountyHartfordFairfieldLitchfieldTollandMiddlesexNew LondonNew HavenWindhamNearest Road Intersection (street names or highway numbers):Land OwnershipPrivatePublicUnknownIs the population near a road, hiking trail, picnic area or other frequently used area? Yes No Habitat Type: (To choose more than one category, hold down the CTRL key while selecting).Wetland/MarshDry SoilForestGrassGarden/YardState or Town ParkRoad Side or trailHow many plants are you reporting at this location?Are there any fruits on the plants?Is the stem smooth or hairy?What color is the plant stem?Is there one flower per plant or many?What color are the flowers?How tall are the plants?Are the plants flowering? Yes No Please provide a brief description of the environment in which the plant(s) is (are) growing and a rough estimate of their population density and size. This space can also be used for additional comments.Photo Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 250 MB. CaptchaCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.