Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG):

A clearinghouse of information relating to Connecticut’s invasive plants. The website contains news and events, fact sheets and other publications, including an invasive plant management guide for common invasive plants. CIPWG also maintains an active listserv to distribute news and information. Contact Vickie Wallace (860-885-2826; for more information. Join the listserv at

Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS):

Free public online invasive species reporting system. Upload photos and reports of invasive species to a publicly accessible database, find information about invasive species, and view distribution maps of species spread.

UConn Extension Invasive Plants Program:

The UConn IPM Program for Invasive Species provides information on the identification and management of non-native, invasive plants and insects. Invasive and Exotic Species of North America:

Comprehensive, all-taxa website for photos of invasive plants, insects, other animals, and pathogens. Provides many links for invasive plant information, including links to mapping resources, publications, videos, and control options for invasive species.

Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States (IPANE):

Web-based atlas of invasive plant distributions in the United States. Also includes digital images and detailed descriptions of listed invasive species. 


Provides detailed information on several of Connecticut’s invasive species, with an emphasis on control methods.

National Invasive Species Council:

Information about the programs, guidelines and management plans developed by the National Invasive Species Council.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) PLANTS Database:

Database of both non-native and native plants provides standardized information and nomenclature across species.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Plant Materials Program:

USDA-NRCS webpage with links to a number of publications about invasive plants, including fact sheet, guides, and other technical materials.

Protect Your Waters and Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers:

This website offers information regarding the spread of aquatic invasive species, including impacts and prevention.

Aquatic Invasive Species:

Information on preventing the spread of invasive species by using the proper techniques to clean, drain, and dry aquatic equipment.

Invasive Plant Management Decision Analysis Tool:

An online, interactive tool that helps land stewards make strategic decisions about invasive species control projects from The Nature Conservancy, the New York Natural Heritage Program, and the Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center.


Guidelines for Disposal of Terrestrial Invasive Plants. University of Connecticut, CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, CIPWG. 2011. Available at Publications | Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group

Guidelines for Disposal of Aquatic Invasive Plants. University of Connecticut, CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, CIPWG. 2011. Available at Publications | Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group


Invasive Plants in Your Backyard! A Guide to Their Identification and Control. Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Inc., Middletown, CT. 2009. 16 pp. Available as a PDF online at Invasives brochure 2016

Connecticut’s Aquatic and Wetland Invasive Plant Identification Guide. Gregory Bugbee, Martha Barton, Jordan Gib- bons, and Summer Stebbins. 3rd Edition. Bulletin No. 1056. 2018. 50 pp. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, New Haven, CT. Available as a PDF online at

Invasive Plants: A Guide to Identification, Impacts, and Control of Common North American Species. Syl Ramsey Kaufman and Wallace Kaufman. 2007. 464 pp. Stackpole Books.

How to Eradicate Invasive Plants. Teri Dunn Chace. 2013. 336 pp. Timber Press Books.

Mistaken Identity? Invasive Plants and their Native Look-Alikes: An Identification Guide for the Mid-Atlantic. Sarver, M.J., A. Treher, L. Wilson, R. Naczi, and F.B. Kuehn. 2008. 68 pp. Delaware Department of Agriculture and USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Dover, DE. Available as a PDF online at NPSNJ Mistaken Identity

Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas, 4th ed. Swearingen, J., B. Slattery, K. Reshetiloff, and S. Zwicker. 2010. 168 pp. National Park Service and United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. Available as a PDF online at

Weed Control Methods Handbook. The Nature Conservancy. Approximately 200 pages. Available as multiple PDFs online at

Invasive Terrestrial Plants of Vermont: A Guide to Identification, Prevention and Management. 2011. The Nature Conservancy. Available as a PDF online at

A Management Guide for Invasive Plants in Southern Forests. Miller, J.H., S.T. Manning and S.F. Enloe. 2010. 132 pp. USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC. Available as a PDF online at

A Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests. Miller, J.H., E.B. Chambliss and N.J. Loewenstein. 2010. 136 pp. USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC. Available as a PDF online at A field guide for the identification of invasive plants in southern forests