2012 Symposium Presentations

21st Century Tools for Tackling Invasive Plants: Identify, Prioritize, Mobilize! Keynote Elizabeth Farnsworth
Economic Impacts of Controlling Invasive Plants Economics of Invasive Plants Jennifer Kaufmann
After Restoration- Replanting and Restoration Natives- Replanting and Restoration Larry Weaner
Invasive Plant Identification and Biocontrol Updates Invasives 101 Donna Ellis, Logan Senack, Todd Mervosh
Link to IMAPInvasives.org An Invasive Plant Management Decision Analysis Tool Chris Zimmerman
CT IPC Update Morning Session Bill Hyatt
Economic Effects of Invasive Plants Economics of Invasive Plants Bruce Villwock- Connecticut Department of Transportation
Economic Effecs tOn CL&P Facilities Economics of Invasive Plants Doug Pistawka- CL&P
Novel Ecosystems Backyard to LandscapeNY PRISM Ranking Form (DOC)New York State Invasive Plant Ranking Form (DOC)

List of References (DOC)

Morning Session Marilyn Jordan- The Nature Conservancy